Academy roofing is active in the community and is involved with several charitable organizations. We have donated thousands of hours of labor and material for local charitable projects. Our most recent charitable projects include the following:
St. Andrew’s Hospitality Center– Aurora, CO

Our most recent charitable project was completed at St. Andrew’s Hospitality Center in 2021. The Center provides food, job assistance, and more for 30,000 Coloradoans a year. The Center was facing an impending shut down when the building owner had decided to sell the property. An anonymous donor who lives in the area heard about the Center potentially closing its doors and decided to take action. In purchasing the building, he was able to keep the Center running and supporting the community. The new building owner quickly realized that the Center’s roof was in poor condition. The existing flat roof had multiple leaks and was in dire need of replacement.
Through the Colorado Roofing Association’s Community Service Program, our company was able to get involved with this charitable project and donate over 100 hours of labor. The result was a beautiful new EPDM roof that will keep the employees and patrons of the Center safe and dry for years to come!
Little Flower Assistance Center – Aurora, CO

Based in Aurora, Colorado, the Little Flower Assistance Center provides food, clothing, money management assistance and employment counseling to over 650 needy families each month. Academy Roofing has partnered with the Center for many years. In addition to a new roof that was donated by our company to the Center several years ago, company employees have also donated canned goods and personal care items during the annual drive to restock shelves at the Center.
Many of our employees also volunteer at the Center each year at Christmas to assemble gift boxes for the Center’s annual JOY Drive. Our employees put together over 1,000 gift boxes that are delivered to underserved students in the Aurora Public Schools District. Over the years, Academy Roofing has also provided monetary donations to assist the Center when special needs arise. Our work with the Little Flower Assistance Center has brought us so much joy over the years, while also providing assistance to a very special place!
Ronald McDonald House – Aurora, CO

Several years ago, the Roofing Industry Alliance for Progress began a campaign to pair roofing contractors with their local Ronald McDonald House. The idea was for the roofing contractor to “adopt” the roof on the house. Our local Ronald McDonald house is just a few miles from our office, so we were a natural fit to “adopt” this roof. We are proud to assist the Ronald McDonald House Charities by regularly inspecting, maintaining and repairing the roof at our nearby Ronald McDonald House as necessary. And when the roof someday needs to be replaced, we will be there to assist with that task as well. We can’t think of another home that is more deserving of our help!
Habitat for Humanity of Colorado
For many years, the Colorado Roofing Association has worked with Habitat for Humanity of Colorado in the “Roof Over Your Head” partnership. The goal is to connect the local Habitat building projects with contractors, suppliers and manufacturers in the roofing industry who are willing to donate labor and materials so that hard-working families across Colorado can have a roof over their heads.
Academy Roofing has been a part of numerous Habitat/CRA “Roof Over Your Head” projects over the years. Donating roof installations for Habitat projects is particularly gratifying when we see the excitement and relief of the families who are the new owners of a Habitat home. Our association with Habitat for Humanity has been such a positive experience for all of us at Academy Roofing!